Susan Kosinski
Susan Kosinski Fritz retired from the USAID Senior Foreign Service as Career Minister in 2020, receiving the Agency’s highest honor, the Administrator’s Distinguished Career Service Award. During her 31-year USAID career, Ms. Fritz served as Mission Director for Ukraine and Belarus, East Africa, and Serbia and Montenegro. She served Acting Assistant Administrator and as Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Europe and Eurasia (E&E) Bureau. She also served as Deputy Mission Director in Kosovo, Regional Democracy Officer in Bulgaria, and Democracy Office Director in Central Asia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Washington, she served as the Elections and Political Process Team Leader in the Democracy and Governance Center, and in several positions in the E&E Bureau’s Democracy Office. Ms. Fritz has a Master of Public Administration degree and a Masters Certificate in Measurement and Evaluation from American University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Rutgers University. She serves on two non-profit boards of trustees, for the Eurasia Foundation and the Seabrook Community Foundation.