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Press Release | Academy Endorses Diplomatic Security Modernization Act

Mar 12, 2024

AAD Staff

Washington, D.C. – The American Academy of Diplomacy endorses and recommends the passage of the Diplomatic Security and Modernization Act (S. 3820) by the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The bill was introduced in the Senate on a bipartisan basis by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL). The Act proposes useful actions to improve the training and operations of the Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security. It would establish improved counterintelligence training, place additional and essential emphasis on cybercrime, improve authority to investigate transnational human trafficking, and make other adjustments to bring the treatment of the Department’s Diplomatic Security Service into conformity with other law enforcement agencies.

The Academy believes this bipartisan measure will increase the State Department’s protection of US interest and personnel and will improve its ability to investigate transnational crime. The Academy recommends passage of the bill.

The American Academy of Diplomacy is a non-partisan and non-governmental organization of former senior diplomats including both career and non-career appointees. It is dedicated to strengthening the professionalism of diplomacy and explaining to the American people the importance of diplomacy. This statement was issued with the approval of the Academy’s Board of Directors.



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The American Academy of Diplomacy (AAD) is an independent, non-profit association of former senior US ambassadors and high-level government officials whose mission is to strengthen American diplomacy. AAD represents a unique wealth of talent and experience in the practice of American foreign policy, with over 370 members.

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