Frank C.
Frank Charles Carlucci was originally from Bear Creek, Penn., a suburb of Wilkes-Barre. He was an officer in the Navy for two years after graduating from Princeton in 1952. He married Jean Anthony in 1954, and joined the Foreign Service in 1956. (Dynamic Diplomat. New York Times, Feb 24, 1964.) He married Marcia Myers in 1976. ( Frank Charles Carlucci III. Washington Post, Nov 6, 1987.)
As second secretary of the US embassy in Leopoldville, Congo, Carlucci was expelled for engaging in subversive activities. (Soviet Writer Says Gizenga Regime In Stanleyville Ousted U.S. Diplomat. Washington Post, Times Herald, Jun 12, 1961.) As US consul at consul at Zanzibar, Frank C. Carlucci III was again expelled for engaging in subversive activities. (Tanzania Expels 2 U.S. Diplomats. AP. New York Times, Jan 16, 1965.) W. Averell Harriman, S&B 1913, was Undersecretary of State. (U.S. Envoy in Capital. New York Times, Feb 15, 1965.)
Carlucci was Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity from 1969 to 1970 [he was Donald H. Rumsfeld ‘s successor after Rumsfeld resigned to become White House counsel, and continued Rumsfeld’s policies (New OEO Head Backs Rumsfeld. Chicago Tribune, Dec 13, 1970)]; Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1970 to 1972 [he was replaced by Fred Malek]; Under Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, 1973-1975; Ambassador to Portugal, 1975 to 1978; Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, 1978-1980; Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1980-1982; Secretary of Defense, 1987-1989; and Chairman (now Emeritus) and partner of The Carlyle Group, a merchant bank, 1989-2003.
He was a foreign service officer from 1956 to 1980. (Texas Biotechnology Corporation 2003 director bio.) He was President and Chief Operating Officer from 1983, then Chairman and CEO of Sears World Trade Inc. from 1984 to 1986 [succeeding Roderick M. Hills]. (Neurogen 2003 director bio.)
Frank C. Carlucci passed away on June 3, 2018, at the age of 87.