Doug McElhaney was a career Foreign Service officer. In 2012, he retired after 34 years, and after serving as Ambassador to Bosnia. There, he renegotiated the Bosnian constitution, which eventually failed to garner a 2/3 vote in the Bosnian parliament. In the nineties, he was the Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Mission to Brussels. He worked there on the US led effort to expand the alliance to Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. He was a member of the team who integrated Russia through the NATO/Russia Council, created the Partnership for Peace, the NATO relationship to the EU, and NATO’s entry into the peace keeeping arena in Bosnia and Kosovo. He served as acting Ambassador in Paris as well as Consul General in Milan, where during the Iraq intervention he was a major spokesman to the Italian press. He also served in Rome, Cairo, Lisbon, Windhoek, and in the State Department was a member of the Namibia working group, which negotiated that state’s independence from South Africa. When he retired in 2012, he served as the “Distinguished Ambassador in Residence” at the University of Miami. In 2013, he founded the “St Petersburg (FL) Conference on World Affairs” which in 2016 drew more than 2000 local citizens.